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13.05.19 12:30 - 15.05.19 14:30 Uhr


Three days dedicated to sustainable planning and urban logistics

After three years of research, transnational and comparative studies, the SULPiTER project is meeting in Bologna (13-15 May 2019) for its final event. Launched in June 2016 with a budget of almost 2.5 million euros, SULPiTER - an acronym for Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning for the Improvement of regional freight transport - has placed itself at the service of Public Administrations to develop and adopt sustainable urban logistics plans (SULPs).

For the Stuttgart Region, a sustainable urban logistics plan was developed as part of freight quality partnership meetings on the subject of regional freight transport. The plan can be used by regional and local planners. It not only focuses on the parcel delivery in pedestrian zones, but also considers the relevant flow of goods into and through the Stuttgart Region.