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26.09.11 - 27.09.11

f-cell 2010

Fuel cell technology has come a long way in the last few years, developing hydrogen fuel for everyday use. Not only R&D labs but also a growing number of production firms and service industries have discovered the possibilities this new sector of technology has to offer.

The f-cell congress is the international meeting point for more than 800 participants interested in the subject of fuel cells who come from more than 20 countries and four continents.

The f-cell Forum offers a unique chance to gather all the latest information and check up on current developments and new markets in the mobile, portable and stationary applications of fuel cell technologies.

f-cell 2011 will focus on "Mobile applications - fuel cells and batteries moving the future"

Those who are interested will find the complete program of lectures and more information on the "f-cell" on the internet at: www.f-cell.de
