• Zusammenarbeit, Know-How-Austausch, Marketing und Lobbyarbeit – sie alle werden durch Veranstaltungen vorangetrieben, ob in der Region Stuttgart oder in Brüssel. Die Region Stuttgart kann damit für den Standort werben oder Projekte initiieren. 

Hier finden Sie zurückliegende Veranstaltungen.

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Creative Engineering - How regions benefit from successful co-operation of creative industries, ICT and manufacturing

How does an automotive supplier come to win an Emmy Award? What is the link between the Parlamentarium in Brussels, the HBO TV series "Game of Thrones" and the Stuttgart Region? How does an excellent innovative climate emerge from the co-operation of creative and manufac-turing industries? What is the role of digi-tal transformation? How can regions sup-port these processes?
Strategies from the Stuttgart Region will be presented to answer these questions. The relevance of the infomation and com-munication technologies and the role of the digital agenda will be illustrated by Günther Oettinger, European Commissio-ner for Digital Economy and Society.

Registration by e-mail to Ina Giersch: ina.giersch@region-stuttgart.de

For further information please see invitation below.

Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union Rue Belliard 60-62, 1040 Brussels