• Since our region is unsurpassed with regard to the number of people working in high tech jobs, we consider it crucial to stay abreast of the newest developments in research and technology.

completed EU-funded projects


funded under the Sixth Framework Programme: Coordination Action
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Elmo's-electromobility for cities and regions

funded under FP7 Capacities, Regions of Knowledge
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funded under the Sixth Framework Programme: Coordination Action Specific Support Actions – SSA
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ENLoCC – European Network of Logistics Competence Centres

co-funded under INTERREG IIIC, open network
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co-funded through 6th Framework Programme: Specific Programme “Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area”
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funded under 7th framework programme
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FOREN - FOresight for Regional Development Network

co-funded under the Fifth Framework Research Programme
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Ein neues transregionales Foresight-Modell für regionale Innovationsstrategien
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FORWARD - The way forward to Lisbon 2010

funded under Life Long Learning Programme (LLP)
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