co-funded through 6th Framework Programme: Specific Programme “Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area”
The overall objective of EUROPEER SME is to make RTD policies directed to SMEs more effective and therefore to promote innovation in Europe resulting in higher growth rates of Europe's future-oriented sectors of the economy.
To foster mutual learning, identify and evaluate best practices in the field of research policy making the peer-review method will be utilized. In peer review workshops those participants that have opted for the same thematic priorities will be brought together. Each group will get a deeper insight to the presented programmes and proof them on transferability to the other regions. The outcome of each workshop is a list of best practices, possibilities to improve the programme, and concrete suggestions to change the instrument to make it adaptable to the different framework conditions.
This continuous, dynamic and mutual learning process will on the one side provide insights into how existing RTD and innovation policies may be improved.
On the other side it will lead to a sustainable network after the end of the project which remains open for new members. It will help to strengthen the co-ordination of RTD policies directed to SMEs on a European scale. Furthermore the findings will also be published in relevant existing fora to make them applicable in other contexts and partner constellations.