Europe in the Region – the Region in Europe
Bringing the Stuttgart Region to Europe and Europe to the Stuttgart Region – this two-fold objective informs the marketing of the region as a location at European level.
Verband Region Stuttgart and Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH as well as the Stuttgart Region European Office in Brussels organise and take part in workshops, congresses, trade fairs, seminars and other events. Employees hold presentations, publish publications and provide contributions for publications. Delegations and groups of visitors from all over the world regularly travel to Stuttgart and Brussels, where they are informed about the region and its work at European level.
Developments on relevant regional topics at EU level are accompanied by submitting statements to the EU Commission as well as involvement in advisory working groups and background talks with the European institutions.
At the same time, Verband Region Stuttgart and EDC inform municipalities, research institutes, companies and other target groups in the region about current developments and the European funding system. One example is the series of networking events for European delegates in the municipalities and districts in the Stuttgart Region.