• Events like workshops and conferences held either in the Stuttgart region or in Brussels enable cooperation, know-how-exchange, marketing and influence on political decisions and allow the Stuttgart region to both market itself as a business location and to initiate concrete projects. 


08.10.07 - 11.10.07

In 2007, the Stuttgart Region was actively represented at the "European Week of Regions and Cities" through METREX, the Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas. On 11 October 2007 there were two workshops about the themes "Regional…


24.09.07 - 26.09.07

With more than 600 participants from all over the world, f-cell is the most important forum in the fuel cell and hydrogen sector.

The f-cell Forum 2007 offered a unique chance to gather all the latest information and check up on current developments…


23.04.07 - 24.04.07

Mobile Information Services - Current Trends and Developments in Cities and Communities

More and more cities and communities are becoming aware of the possibilities that mobile information services have to offer to employees, citizens, and businesses. Municipal decision-makers, IT departments and city planners have to pay increasing…


09.10.06 - 13.10.06

In 2006, the Stuttgart Region was actively represented at the "European week of the regions and cities" in the consortium of the "Lisbon regions" and held a moderator role within the network of the European metropolitan regions METREX. Under the…


27.09.06 - 30.09.06

Meeting under the presidency of Dr. Bernd Steinacher, Regionaldirektor of Verband Region Stuttgart

METREX is able to look back on ten years of successful work in 2006. Thus, it celebrated its tenth anniversary and discussed strands of future development in metropolitan regions.

Szczecin (Poland)



3rd "Brussels Background" Panel Discussions

Innovation is the magic word when it comes to how Europe can best survive today"s global competition. Europe"s products should not be cheaper but instead, better. But innovation is not cheap: The transition from a good idea to a marketable product or…


03.05.06 - 06.05.06

Joint meeting with the Communidad de Madrid and Professor Sir Peter Hall

METREX - the network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas - dedicated its spring meeting in 2006 to spatial planning and development in metropolitan and capital regions in Europe and around the globe.


Madrid (Spain)



Joint event of Verband Region Stuttgart, Metropolregion Hamburg and METREX

Stuttgart Region initiated this event in order to highlight the role of metropolitan regions in the Lisbon Process and the need to focus on metropolitan regions as drivers of growth and innovation in Europe. Furthermore, it explored strands of action…



The European Commission fosters competition in public transport. In July 2005, the Commission tabled the draft of a new directive for the commissioning for transport services. It is under debate, whether this imposes chances or threats for public…


17.11.05 - 18.11.05

Key challenges for policy & business
The conference, organised by Veneto Innovazione - the Veneto Regional Agency for Innovation (www.venetoinnovazione.it) - in close cooperation with Paxis Partners, brought together the best regional examples…


26.10.05 - 29.10.05

Meeting under the presidency of Dr. Bernd Steinacher, Regionaldirektor of Verband Region Stuttgart

METREX - the network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas - dedicated its fall meeting in 2005 in particular to the contribution of the metropolitan regions to fight global warming e.g. by means of spatial planning for dense settlements and…


10.10.05 - 13.10.05

The OPEN DAYS 2005 ("European Week of Regions and Cities") event series, launched by the European Commission's DG for Regional Policy and the Committee of the Regions, took place from 10th till 13th October in Brussels. One of the selected official…


26.09.05 - 28.09.05

Fuel cell technology has come a long way in the last few years, developing hydrogen fuel for everyday use. Not only in our R&D labs but at a number of production firms and service industries, business people and technicians are discovering the…