Shaping the Mobility of the Future: US and EU perspectives
This event will stimulate an intercontinental discussion on the future of mobility and to seek fresh perspectives on the cooperation between academia and industry from a US and a European perspective. Dr. Beiker is the Executive Director of the Center for Automotive Research - CARS, the interdisciplinary automotive affiliates program at Stanford University. This seminar is organised by the INTERREG IVC projects PROSESC, Making Knowledge Work and EURIS together with the ERRIN network.
Philippe Lambert, MEP (European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy)
Dr. Sven Beiker (Stanford University)
Dr. Reinhard Büscher (European Commission, Head of Unit, Support for Industrial Innovation)
Dr. Reha Tözün (PROSESC Project, Coordinator, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation)
Sylvain Haon (POLIS /ERTRAC)
Bibliothèque Solvay, Leopoldpark, 137 rue Belliard B-1040, Brussels
- Files:
- Policy_20event_Sven_Beiker_17.pdf(pdf, 276 kB)