• Events like workshops and conferences held either in the Stuttgart region or in Brussels enable cooperation, know-how-exchange, marketing and influence on political decisions and allow the Stuttgart region to both market itself as a business location and to initiate concrete projects. 


Open Days conference "Contributing to rural-urban bonds in peri-urban regions"

This event takes place on Wednesday 10 October from 11.15 until 13h at the Liaison agency Flanders-Europe (vleva), Kortenberglaan 71, 1000 Brussels.

In view of current developments in cohesion policy and rural development policy, the multi-annual financial framework and European initiatives such as RURBAN, this timely conference will contribute to the debate on rural-urban bonds - particularly in peri-urban regions where there is growing pressure on space and resources.


10.45 registration & welcome coffee

11.15 Welcoming & introduction by the Chair - Hilary Lowson (Secretary-General of PURPLE)

11.20 Rural Urban bonds in future regional policy, Wladyslaw Piskorz (Head of Unit C2 Urban Development, Territorial Cohesion - DG REGIO)

11.30 Regional policy enhancing rural-urban bonds

Gérard Blanc, Director of the Agency for urban planning and development of the Flanders - Dunkirk region (AGUR) Communauté urbaine de Dunkerque, Nord-Pas de Calais.

Thomas Kiwitt, Managing Technical Director, Head of Planning Department Verband Region Stuttgart

Hans Leinfelder, Head of Spatial Planning Division. Flemish Department of Spatial Planning

12.00 Feedback to the interventions of the regions, Wladyslaw Piskorz (Head of Unit C2 Urban Development, Territorial Cohesion - DG REGIO)

12.10 Debate with the regional experts and audience

13.00 sandwich lunch

The meeting is free of charge, though registration is required through the Open Days website Conference code 10B09.

Ansprechpartnerinnen bei der Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart:

Stephanie Fleischmann, Stephanie.Fleischmann@region-stuttgart.de, Tel.: 0711 22835-26.

Heike Thumm heike.thumm@region-stuttgart.de, Tel.: 0711 22835-19.

Liaison agency Flanders-Europe (vleva), Kortenberglaan 71, 1000 Brussels