Europe 2020. From interregional co-operation to the Opening up of Regional Innovation Systems in Europe
What can EU Regions offer and what do they need?
Lisbon Strategy demands an increase on the interregional co-operation in Research Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI), if Europe is to become the most
competitive economy on the global market. Innovation processes take place mainly at the regional level. Thus, EU regions are entitled to play a key role in the bottom up development of policies leading to the European Research Area (ERA). Due to the lack of access to practical tools allowing the development of transregional innovation strategies conducive to open and collaborative frameworks, an actual fatigue of project based interregional cooperation schemes is taking place.
ForTransRIS Project delivers a specific experience involving 5 regions on the use of Foresight as a practical tool for the design of common Regional Innovation Strategies: Navarra (Spain), Bretagne (France), Liguria (Italy), Stuttgart (Germany) and Stockholm (Sweden).
Resulting methodology, based upon the outcomes of a practical experience on the transregional foresight in the field of Knowledge and Technology Transfer, is applicable by all EU regions interested of further opening up their innovation systems.
Brussels office of Regione Liguria Rue de Luxembourg, 15
- Files:
- ForTransRIS_Seminar_Programme.pdf(pdf, 258 kB)