• Since our region is unsurpassed with regard to the number of people working in high tech jobs, we consider it crucial to stay abreast of the newest developments in research and technology.

completed EU-funded projects

TRANSITECTS - Transalpine Transport Architects

Entwicklung und Umsetzung attraktiver Verkehrs- und Logistikprodukte und -systeme
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TURAS Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and...

Cities represent the major consumer of resources, which can greatly impact surrounding landscapes and the communities therein. Many urban areas are vulnerable
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Co-funded under INTERREG IVB
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VALUE added - "Route der Industriekultur Filstal"

VALUE+ was an EU funded project consisting of 12 partner organisations across North West Europe. The aim of VALUE+ was to demonstrate how to combine strategic
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VIVA - European Virtual Center for Innovation Excellence...

co-funded under 6. Framework Programme, Coordination Action (CA)
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Welcome Service Region Stuttgart

Ziel der Arbeit des Welcome Service der Region Stuttgart ist es, (mehr) internationale Fachkräfte für die Region Stuttgart zu gewinnen und sie beim Ankommen
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funded under INTERREG III C, SOUTH-ZONE: Valencia, Individual Project
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