completed EU-funded projects
SCIFI – Science Communication and Involvement – Following...
co-funded under the Fifth Framework Research Programme, accompanying measure... more
Improving R&D and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry... more
SPECIAL - Spatial Planning and Energy for Communities in...
Spatial planning has a key role to play in creating urban environments that support less energy-intense lifestyles and communities. Spatial planning and urban... more
SPRING – Speed-up of Regional Innovation and Economic Growth
co-funded under the Fifth Framework Research Programme, PAXIS... more
SUEVIA: Region Stuttgart - Innovative und nachhaltige...
In enger Zusammenarbeit von WRS, VRS und allen Partnern werden das Strategiekonzept durch eine EFRE-Förderung zu einem regionalen Entwicklungskonzept und die... more
SULPiTER - Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning to Enhance...
The European Commission has set an ambitious goal of CO2-free city logistics by 2030. 82% of Europeans will live in cities by 2050, consequently urban freight... more
SusFreight -Sustainable Freight Transport now and tomorrow
Im Rahmen des Projektes "SusFreight" werden aus wesentlichen Alpenraum-Projekten (im Bereich Güterverkehr), -Politiken und -Strategien inhaltliche Empfehlungen... more
Technology Transfer for Manufacturing Technologies in the...
This project provides a new service especially for small and medium sized companies (SMEs), working in the field of manufacturing technologies.... more
Training for bus drivers using new technology for safe,...
co-funded under URB-AL Initiative... more