• Since our region is unsurpassed with regard to the number of people working in high tech jobs, we consider it crucial to stay abreast of the newest developments in research and technology.

completed EU-funded projects

SCIFI – Science Communication and Involvement – Following...

co-funded under the Fifth Framework Research Programme, accompanying measure
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Improving R&D and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry
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SPECIAL - Spatial Planning and Energy for Communities in...

Spatial planning has a key role to play in creating urban environments that support less energy-intense lifestyles and communities. Spatial planning and urban
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SPRING – Speed-up of Regional Innovation and Economic Growth

co-funded under the Fifth Framework Research Programme, PAXIS
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SUEVIA: Region Stuttgart - Innovative und nachhaltige...

In enger Zusammenarbeit von WRS, VRS und allen Partnern werden das Strategiekonzept durch eine EFRE-Förderung zu einem regionalen Entwicklungskonzept und die
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SULPiTER - Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning to Enhance...

The European Commission has set an ambitious goal of CO2-free city logistics by 2030. 82% of Europeans will live in cities by 2050, consequently urban freight
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SusFreight -Sustainable Freight Transport now and tomorrow

Im Rahmen des Projektes "SusFreight" werden aus wesentlichen Alpenraum-Projekten (im Bereich Güterverkehr), -Politiken und -Strategien inhaltliche Empfehlungen
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Technology Transfer for Manufacturing Technologies in the...

This project provides a new service especially for small and medium sized companies (SMEs), working in the field of manufacturing technologies.
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Substantial trends like digitalisation or new business models will affect all fields of the industrial production especially in the Stuttgart region.
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