• Since our region is unsurpassed with regard to the number of people working in high tech jobs, we consider it crucial to stay abreast of the newest developments in research and technology.

completed EU-funded projects

LAirA - Landside Airport Accessibility

LAirA focuses on the integration of multimodal, smart and low carbon mobility in the mobility system of airports in Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). In general,
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LOTZE - LOgistik Training ZEntrum

co-funded through the European Social Fund, Objective 3
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M & Q – Mentoring and Qualification

co-funded through the European Social Fund, Objective 3
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M.Tech Accelarator

Das Projekt M.Tech Accelerator bietet Start-up Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Mobilität, Maschinenbau und Engineering ein vielseitiges Unterstützungsangebot.
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Making Knowledge Work (MKW)

funded under INTERREG IVC, NWE
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Methodik zur Messung der barrierefreien Zugänglichkeit des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs
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Mentoring for Low-Skilled Women

co-funded through the European Social Fund, Objective 3
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MISTA - Metropolitan Industrial Spatial Strategies &...

Many cities have seen a considerable decline in manufacturing and many businesses are looking for well-connected sites on the fringes of metropolitan areas.
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funded under LIFE+, environmental policy and administrative practice
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