Acquiring European funding and helping to shape the European funding system
Funding from European programmes allows the Stuttgart Region to implement innovative project ideas and work together with other European regions in searching for solutions to challenges. In addition, such projects facilitate an exchange of knowledge and experience with other regions, something that the Stuttgart Region has been benefiting from for many years. In order to continue to use these opportunities, the Stuttgart Region is regularly involved in European projects.
The focus areas are based on the central tasks of Verband Region Stuttgart (organisation of local authorities in the Stuttgart Region) and Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) (Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (EDC)). European projects by Verband Region Stuttgart often relate to regional planning, regional transport planning, landscape framework planning, landscape parks, public transport and regional traffic management. The regional economic development association has initiated numerous projects to promote innovation and technology, support start-ups and introduce training measures.
A selected of EU-funded projects that the Stuttgart Region is involved in can be found at
Verband Region Stuttgart and EDC as well as the Stuttgart Region European Office in Brussels actively participate in the discussion surrounding how to structure future European funding programmes. To this end, they are involved in networks, issue statements, take part in consultations and working groups, organise events or background talks in Brussels and in Stuttgart.
General information on selected European funding programmes can also be found at EU information point.