• Since our region is unsurpassed with regard to the number of people working in high tech jobs, we consider it crucial to stay abreast of the newest developments in research and technology.

Albaufstieg 2005

co-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Innovative Action programme

The idea behind the "Albaufstieg 2005" project is to establish the basis for sustainable structural development in the tourism and wellness sectors, and the use of energy and materials of biomass and renewable raw materials in the structurally weak area of Geislingen - Albaufstieg - Voralb in the south-east of the Stuttgart Region. Promoting the collaboration of relevant players in innovation groups, networking, disseminating information, an Internet-based, interactive "location communication system" (Standortkommunikationssystem; SKS) for the tourism and wellness sector and the in situ implementation of concrete projects, are the building blocks for the achievement of these goals.