• Verband Region Stuttgart and the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation are your key partners for European activities and projects in the Stuttgart area. You will find us at the heart of the Stuttgart region, close to Stuttgart's main train station, as well as in Brussels at Rue Belliard 60-62.

Your contact persons for Europe

The Coordinators of European Affairs at Verband Region Stuttgart and Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH as well as the Stuttgart Region European Office in Brussels will be happy to assist you.

Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH

Heike Thumm

Coordinator European Affairs

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Friedrichstraße 10
70174 Stuttgart

Telefon: +49 711 22835-19
Telefax: +49 711 22835-55
E-Mail: heike.thumm@region-stuttgart.de

Verband Region Stuttgart

Simone Jung

Coordinator European Affairs

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Kronenstraße 25
70174 Stuttgart

Telefon: +49 711 22759945
Telefax: +49 711 2275970
E-Mail: jung@region-stuttgart.org

To top

Europabüro der Region Stuttgart in Brüssel

Marcus Göpfert

Head of Stuttgart Region European Office

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Avenue des Arts 56
1000 Brüssel

Telefon: +32 2 486 41 99

E-Mail: marcus.goepfert@region-stuttgart.de

Anna Spechtenhauser

Stuttgart Region European Office

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Avenue des Arts 56
1000 Brüssel

Telefon: +32 2 486 41 98

E-Mail: anna.spechtenhauser@region-stuttgart.de

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